The JOURNAL OF NEAR-DEATH STUDIES (JNDS), sponsored by the International Association for Near-Death Studies (IANDS), publishes articles on near-death experiences (NDEs), on the empirical aftereffects and theoretical implications of such events, and on related transpersonal (transcending the usual personal limits of space, time, and/or identity) and spiritually transformative experiences (STEs). These phenomena include out-of-body experiences, deathbed visions, the experiences of dying persons, comparable experiences occurring under other circumstances, deathwatch or shared-death experiences, after-death communication, spiritual energy/kundalini awakening, mystical experiences, and past-life memories. A further focus of JNDS is the implications of such phenomena for an understanding of human development and transformation and of human consciousness and its relation to life and death processes. The JNDS Editor(s) and Consulting Editors are committed to an unbiased exploration of these issues and specifically welcome a variety of theoretical perspectives and interpretations that are grounded in empirical observation or research.
The Journal is published three times each year and is included in IANDS membership at the professional level or higher. The subscription rate is U.S. $62.00 per year for individuals who are not professional or above members of IANDS and $398.00 for institutions and libraries. Subscription inquiries, subscription orders, and advertising inquiries should be addressed to IANDS, 2741 Campus Walk Avenue, Building 500, Durham, NC 27705-8878, USA; telephone and fax: (919) 383-7940; email: services@iands.org.