The Handbook of Near-Death Experiences: Thirty Years of Investigation
Janice Miner Holden, EdD (Editor); Bruce Greyson, MD (Editor); & Debbie James, MSN, (Editor)
Holden, J. M., Greyson, B., & James, D. (2009). The field of near-death studies: Past, present, and future (pp. 1-16).
Noyes, R., Fenwick, P., Holden, J. M., & Christian, R. (2009). Aftereffects of pleasurable Western adult near-death experiences (pp. 41-62).
Holden, J. M., Long, J., & MacLurg, B. J. (2009). Characteristics of near-death experiencers (pp. 109-134).
Holden, J. M. (2009). Veridical perception in near-death experiences (pp. 185-212).
Foster, R., James, D., & Holden, J. M. (2009). Practical applications of near-death experiences research (pp. 235-258).
A team of international experts presents the history, recent developments, and controversies in the intriguing study of near-death experience. They explore controversies in the field, offer stories from their research, and express their hopes for the future of investigation into this fascinating phenomenon.
As modern medical techniques for resuscitation advance, NDEs are more frequently reported. These include more than the popular notions of moving through a tunnel or seeing a light. They also include people, once revived, knowing things their knowledge of which can't currently be explained. As The Handbook of Near-Death Experiences: Thirty Years of Investigation makes clear, great controversy exists in the medical and psychological fields concerning NDEs. Are they caused by physiological changes in the brain, or are they biological reactions to oxygen loss or impending death? Are they a product of changing states of consciousness? Or are they caused by something else altogether? All of these ideas and more are discussed in this unique and comprehensive volume.
Connecting Soul, Spirit, Mind, and Body: A Collection of Spiritual and Religious Perspectives and Practices in Counseling
by Ryan D. Foster, PhD (Editor) & Janice Miner Holden, EdD (Editor)
Holden, J. M. (2017). After-death communication. (pp. 3-11).
Holden, J. M. (2017). Near-death experiences. (pp. 89-97).
Holden, J. M. (2017). Past-life therapy. (pp. 99-106).
Holden, J. M. (2017). Psychosynthesis and dis-identification. (pp. 107-111).
Holden, J. M. (2017). Transpersonal experiences: Responding therapeutically. (pp. 145-153).
This edited volume presents spiritual and religious perspectives and practices that can be integrated into counseling, written by experts in the field. This edited text includes topics that may be unfamiliar to mental health professionals yet are incredibly important for implementing diverse approaches with clients.
The Self Does Not Die: Verified Paranormal Phenomena from Near-Death Experiences
Titus Rivas (Author), Anny Dirven (Author), Rudolf H. Smit (Author), Robert G. Mays (Editor), Janice Miner Holden (Editor).
This book contains over 100 reliable, often firsthand accounts of perceptions during NDEs that were later verified as accurate by independent sources. These near-death experiencers were everyday people from all over the world—many of whom were clinically dead -- unable to see or hear physically -- and yet able to perceive new vistas of a world beyond the senses and even beyond death.
The Self Does Not Die is a trailblazing effort to present the most confirmed cases of consciousness beyond death ever compiled. In these cases, the authors have gone back to the original sources, the people involved in each case, whenever possible, rather than relying on secondhand sources. In so doing, they have assembled a unique collection of empirical data that any scholar worthy of the name must take into account.
This book is a must read for anyone wanting to know more about this fascinating subject with its implications about the very nature of human consciousness and its survival of physical death. It has the potential to help foster a shift from the materialist paradigm that currently dominates science, in which the material world is considered primary and consciousness a product of material processes, to a post-materialist paradigm in which consciousness is considered primary.
Theoretical Models of Counseling and Psychotherapy (3rd Edition)
by Kevin A. Fall (Author), Janice Miner Holden (Author), Andre Marquis (Author)
The third edition of Theoretical Models of Counseling and Psychotherapy provides a comprehensive overview of a variety of major counseling theories and focuses on the integration of different theoretical models. With new information on multiculturalism, diversity, and cutting-edge theories such as Integral theory, the book offers a detailed description of the philosophical basis for each theory as well as historical context and biographical information on each theory’s founder.
Near-Death Experiences While Drowning: Dying Is Not the End of Consciousness!
Janice Miner Holden, EdD (Author), Stathis Avramidis, PhD (Author)
Due to advances in resuscitation and defibrillation practices over the past decades, people are returning from the brink of death in numbers unprecedented in human history. Of the millions of people who survive drowning each year, about 20% report a near-death experience (NDE): a reported memory of conscious experience that contains certain paranormal, transcendental, and mystical features. NDEs are usually hyperreal and lucid experiences dominated by pleasurable feelings and more rarely dominated by distressed feelings. This book presents a summary of 40 years of research on NDEs. It contains 22 drowning NDE accounts and recommendations for how water safety professionals can use NDE-related information in their work with people they successfully resuscitate.
A Conceptual and Phenomenological Map
Alexander Batthyány, (Editor)
Greyson, B., & Holden, J. M. (2018). Foreword (pp. xi-xiii).
Holden, J. M. (2018). Rationale and considerations for proposed near-death research in the hospital setting (pp. 32-42).
This volume is the first of a new book series that draws on landmark articles published in the Journal of Near-Death Studies (JNDS) to provide an overview of the past four decades of basic research within the field of near-death studies.
The anthology of which this volume is part covers the broad spectrum of scientific and academic work published by the International Association for Near-Death Studies (IANDS) and addresses, arguably, some of the most pressing and relevant questions on the nature of near-death experiences (NDEs). By presenting research over the past nearly forty years, this book also offers insights into the history and foundation of ideas within near-death research.
This volume provides a systematic overview—a map—of what scholars have achieved so far within conceptual and phenomenological research in the field. It identifies how nearly forgotten or neglected earlier research trends might inspire and enrich current research and points toward areas still left to be covered. The focus of the chapters moves consecutively from articles on epistemology—How do we approach the phenomenon of NDEs?, to phenomenology—What is the experience of an NDE like?, to ontology—What are NDEs, and who has them?, and, finally, to the wider implications—What do NDEs really mean?.
The Science of Religion, Spirituality, and Existentialism 1st Edition
Kenneth E. Vail III (Editor), Clay Routledge (Editor)
Tassell-Matamua, N., & Holden, J. M. (2020). Near-death experiences: The mystical feeling of “crossing over” and its impact on faith and spirituality (pp. 51-64).
The Science of Religion, Spirituality, and Existentialism explores known contours and emerging frontiers, addressing the big question of why religious belief remains such a central feature of the human experience. The book presents in-depth analysis of the core issues in existential psychology, their connections to religion and spirituality (e.g., religious concepts, beliefs, identities, and practices), and their diverse outcomes (e.g., psychological, social, cultural, and health). Leading scholars from around the world cover research exploring how fundamental existential issues are both cause and consequence of religion and spirituality, informed by research data spanning multiple levels of analysis, such as: evolution; cognition and neuroscience; emotion and motivation; personality and individual differences; social and cultural forces; physical and mental health; among many others.
Integrating Spirituality and Religion Into Counseling: A Guide to Competent Practice (Third Edition)
Craig S.Cashwell (Editor), J. Scott Young (Editor)
Foster, R. D., & Holden, J. M. (2020). Human and spiritual development and transformation (pp. 117-142).
Guided by the framework of the ASERVIC Competencies for Addressing Spiritual and Religious Issues in Counseling, this comprehensive handbook for counselors-in-training and practitioners presents a variety of in-session spiritual interventions supported by scientific research. The authors take an inclusive approach to understanding client beliefs and formulate interventions that foster therapeutic growth in individuals from diverse backgrounds. Detailed case studies and questions for reflection throughout the text are appropriate for individual or group discussions. New chapters on ethics, forgiveness, and the integration of sacred texts in session reflect the evolving understanding of integrating spirituality and religion in the counseling process.
The Science of Near-Death Experiences
John C. Hagan III (Editor)
Holden, J. M. (2017). Apparently non-physical veridical perception in near-death experiences (pp. 79-101).
What happens to consciousness during the act of dying? The most compelling answers come from people who almost die and later recall events that occurred while lifesaving resuscitation, emergency care, or surgery was performed. These events are now called near-death experiences (NDEs). As medical and surgical skills improve, innovative procedures can bring back patients who have traveled farther on the path to death than at any other time in history. Physicians and healthcare professionals must learn how to appropriately treat patients who report an NDE. It is estimated that more than 10 million people in the United States have experienced an NDE. Hagan and the contributors to this volume engage in evidence-based research on near-death experiences and include physicians who themselves have undergone a near-death experience. This book establishes a new paradigm for NDEs.
Near Death in the ICU: Stories From Patients Near Death and Why We Should Listen to Them
Laurin Bellg, MD (Author)
Holden, J. M. (2016). Afterword (pp. 201-206).
Near-death experiences are often profoundly meaningful, yet when they are reported they are often met with skepticism and dismissal. But do we have to fully understand these events to honor the transformative role they can play in the lives of those who experience them? Do we need to prove they are something more than the result of illness, medication, or a brain under duress to acknowledge their power to impact lives in a positive way? In this book, a seasoned critical care physician takes on the head-scratching phenomenon of the near-death experience and makes a case for not only listening to but acknowledging and helping the experiencer integrate this poorly understood phenomenon of consciousness into their care. Through anecdotal accounts and thoughtful commentary, Dr. Bellg offers her thoughts on what the near-death experience could be but more importantly, how it can be used as a powerful tool toward meaningful change.
Critical Incidents in Integrating Spirituality Into Counseling
Tracey E. Robert (Author), Virginia A. Kelly (Author)
O’Shea, E. R., & Holden, J. M. (2015). End of life (pp. 77-88).
This compelling casebook integrates critical incidents, spirituality, and counseling with diverse populations dealing with issues across the life development continuum. It offers counselor educators, students, and clinicians a highly useful educational tool for more effective teaching and practice that will foster lively discussion, case conceptualization, and intervention skills. Using an applied format, the book is organized in seven sections:
life span issues, spirituality and wellness, specific disorders, substance abuse, career, diverse populations, and spiritual interventions. More than 50 contributors have been selected either to present specific incidents or to react to them. After each case is described, an expert practitioner answers the questions posed and provides additional insight and alternative strategies. The editors then offer their reflections, providing a concise summary of counseling outcomes.
Jack Canfield (Author), Mark Victor Hansen (Author), Amy Newmark (Author)
Holden, J. M. (2012). Hourglass of love (pp. 55-57).
When our loved ones leave this world, our connection with them does not end. These 101 stories about amazing connections, angels, and answered prayers will inspire and comfort you.
Making Sense of Near-Death Experiences: A Handbook for Clinicians
M. Perera (Editor), K. Jagadheesan (Editor), A. Peake (Editor)
Holden, J. M. (2012). Foreword (pp. 7-8).
A near-death experience (NDE) is a phenomenon whereby powerful physical and emotional sensations and visions are experienced by someone who is either close to death or has been declared clinically dead. This is an accessible guide to the theory and evidence underlying the phenomenon of NDEs. With contributions from leading international experts in the field, it provides an overview of the research into NDEs, the nature of NDEs and how they have been experienced around the world, and the physiological, psychological and medical bases of the phenomenon. This book also discusses children's NDEs, NDEs from a religious perspective, the role of light in NDEs, the assessment and management of NDEs, and the future of research into the phenomenon. This essential handbook will provide all those who may encounter someone who has had an NDE with the knowledge and understanding they need, including nurses, doctors, palliative care workers, psychologists, psychiatrists and pastoral workers. [This book won a 2012 British Medical Association “Highly Commended” Medical Book Award in the Psychiatry division.]
Integrating Spirituality in Counseling: A Manual for Using the Experiential Focusing Method
Elfie Hinterkopf (Author)
Holden, J. M. (1998). Foreword (pp. vii-x).
A practical guide describing the Experiential Focusing Method, a model to help clients work through religious and spiritual problems, deepen existing spiritual experiences and bring about new, life-giving connections to spirituality. Through Focusing, the client learns to examine subtle but concrete bodily feelings that are a vital part of spiritual discovery and growth. Focusing can be used in conjunction with any psychotherapeutic model and is an essential part of the mental health professional's repertoire.
Counseling: The Spiritual Dimenson
Mary Thomas Burke (Editor), Judith G. Miranti (Editor)
Chandler, C. K., Holden, J. M., & Kolander, C. A. (1995). Counseling for spiritual wellness: Theory and practice (pp. 41-58).
Holden, J. M., Watts, R. E., & Brookshire, W. (1995). Beliefs of professional counselors and clergy about depressive religious ideation (pp.157-168).
Spiritual wellness is an emerging area of interest in counseling. It still lacks clarity, however, in definition and application. To increase familiarity with and encourage counselor intervention regarding the spiritual dimension, the authors of this collection attempt to define more clearly the concept of spiritual health and to describe ways to use techniques for the enhancement of spiritual wellness and the advancement of spiritual development.
Janice Miner Holden (Editor since 2008)
The Journal of Near-Death Studies, which is sponsored by the International Association for Near-Death Studies (IANDS), publishes peer-reviewed scholarly articles on near-death experiences (NDEs), spiritual transformative experiences (STEs) and other related transpersonal (transcending the usual personal limits of space, time, and/or identity).